Saturday, March 10, 2012

In Sickness and In Health: A Webquest

This web quest continues our study on genetics and reproduction in my biology class. Below is a human pedigree that I created for a couple's family. You can find the information on the the couple's family in the link below:
The couple is Greg and Olga, as you have read, both of their families have a few genetic diseases. To see if the couple could have a normal child, I have created the human pedigree below. To be clear in my pedigree. F stands for Father and M stands for Mother. 
Based on this pedigree, I can assume that autosomal dominant disorders skip generations. As you can see, Olga's uncle(who has hemophilia) married her aunt on her father's side who is unaffected by any type of genetic disorder. They had two children that were also unaffected by any type of genetic disorder. However, one of these two children married and had a son, that son had hemophilia just as Olga's uncle does. This is a clear sign of hemophilia skipping generations. Also based on that information, I can assume that Greg or his Mother could be carries of the gene that causes myotonic dystrophy. If Olga's uncle had children that showed no sign of hemophilia and then passed hemophilia onto their son, then one of the parents(related to Olga's uncle) must have passed hemophilia onto their child. Based on that information, it is very possible that Greg or his mother are carriers of the gene that causes myotonic dystrophy. It is obvious that Greg's aunt and uncle are homozygous for the myotonic dystrophy gene. It has been passed down through generations, skipping or not, it still has been passed down, and could possibly pass down to Greg and Olga's children. Greg and Olga's child is also at risk for Factor VIII Difiency, since Greg's brother has that disease. The possibility is at a 25%.
Because Myotonic dystrophy symptons sometimes do not show up until after age 50, it is very likely that Greg's cousin has inhertited the MD gene. The possibilty is a 50% percent chance.

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